
Saturday, 2 January 2016



                                              Don't worry about the topic, neither do think anything wrong.
                 The position is about Status.
                 This is for those who are not satisfied, regarding the position they hold,
                 Or where they are.....

                 I am talking about those who never give-up, those who want to do something
                 Different on their own.
                 And those who think,

                My favorite position is CEO!


                       Chief Executive OfficerCEO is the highest-ranking person in a company or
                 Any other institution, ultimately responsible for taking managerial decision.

                My Favorite Position is of a CEO.

                This seems really easy to hear but, the truth is that it is a difficult task to hold up to 
                that very position to the name of the company.
                B’coz, whenever someone wants to be a CEO. Then, things depend on their thinking,
                their risk taker attitude, their decisions, will power, patience level, ideas, experiences 
                & many more..
                                  B’coz, when you grow-up day-by-day lot of things happens to go through 
                your mind regarding your family, friends, colleagues, etc.
                About your dreams, about your love life, about money you plan to earn, about status 
                and yes even about your position.
                Some do work just for money,
                Some love to work for hobbies,
                Some go for job for their needs,
                Some work for family status,
                Some work for themselves.
                But, those who works for themselves and for others, those are called CEOs.

                If you want do something different then you might have to go through lots of challenges.
                The whole world stands one side and you stand on the other side, facing the world.
                             B’coz being different is not that easy, people might not understand you at that
                point of time.
                Yes, one more thing, when you start to do something different, you are being decoded
                as a Stupid person in this society of educated Homo Sapiens!!!
                The moment you are successful, you become a Hero, an inspiration to lots of other people                             who try to gather courage to stand alone and think something different then what
                everyone else is thinking.

                Different from everyone else.
                                                 Like an Entrepreneur.

               To become a Successful Entrepreneur you might have to sacrifice many things in your
               life faces many changes. You would enjoy achievements and even face the failures.
               Success won’t be consist in all the decisions that you would take but in that situation 
               you need to be very firm and stagnant on your decisions.
               Do make mistakes but don’t ever repeat the same mistake ever in your life.
               In a start-up absolutely nothing is gonna happens unless until you are going to make it                                 happen!!!!

               All hopes on you.
               Inspire yourselves.
               Bring out the best in you.

                The World Awaits for You ….. Go Ahead. 


              +Arpit Jain 

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